Cheese Maker - Taking our product to the next level

Cheese Maker
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Jeremy Bossio
Founding Partner
Academic experience
80 hours of work total
Advanced level

Project scope

Operations Market expansion Product or service launch
cheesemaking wholesaling food safety and sanitation cooking

Presently we only wholesale our product to smaller vendors, but it is time to grow! Our company requires some assistance in assessing our next steps on how do get our product into to some of the larger stores across Canada and the USA .

  1. Health authority inspection report on our production facility
  2. Any other regulatory, third-party food safety inspection reports
  3. Special interest claims certification or justification (organic, allergen free, vegan, Kosher, etc.)
  4. Shelf life study to support shelf life claims on your products
  5. Samples of product labels. All product labels must show the following:
  • a common name / product name
  • a list of ingredients and Canadian priority allergen source declaration
  • nutrition facts panel
  • a name and contact information for the person/company responsible for the food
  • net quantity
  • a lot code identifier (such as, date of production, best before date, lot number)
  • storage instructions and best before date
  • if applicable directions for use
  • if applicable safe cooking instructions



Our specific need is an outline of our Cheese Making Kit's expansion opportunities through an analysis of government requirements to get our product into some the larger stores.

When placing the nutritional facts on the kits, will we need to decide if there needs to be two columns. One column with the addition of milk and one without, like one would see on a cereal box.

Is the process difference between Canada and the USA? Would there be an advantage of getting through one system before the other? Could that help us get through this process more quickly?

Thinking about insurance, what are the industry standards on insurance for products going into these larger stores? What are the processes of gaining insurance for the USA and Canada? Costs associated?

Lastly, what are the margins expected by these larger stores? If a kit of ours will retail for $50, what would be the expected margins for these stores?


We have been running our business for several years and can provide experience and guidance to those that apply with us. We will be doing 1 on 1 sessions and also group mentorship throughout the process. There will be direction and help along the way at each step.


We are looking for a complete report that fully answers these questions, with each of these questions having their own section of the report. We have attached relevant source material for better understanding our products and business.

This report should be easy to follow, and clearly layout the pros and cons of the goal of expanding into these larger stores.

If you require more detail about this assignment or more background, data, or direction, please email us at or call Jeremy at 778-996-4336.

This would also have to look at any insurance requirements including liability:

  1. Minimum 2M per occurrence
  2. Minimum 30 day cancellation notice

About the company

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Sales, Retail, Marketing & advertising, It & computing, Media & production

We sell DIY cheesemaking kits and virtual events. The selling of our Cheese Kits is by far our primary revenue stream. Our retail sales are done through our ecommerce Shopify site, through direct sales at trade and craft shows across Canada & the USA, and our wholesales are done through our sales team here at Cheese Maker. Our corporate team-building events are done through 2 major vendors: Eventology, in Canada, and TeamBonding in the USA. We also offer our events on our website.