CEL Experience More Project - Phase 3

TRU Career and Experiential Learning
Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
Co-op Coordinator
Academic experience or paid work
40 hours of work total
British Columbia, Canada
Intermediate level

Project scope

Communications Market research Project management Product or service launch Databases
No skills listed

The project goal is to have a web based location for students to search by TRU program and course number the types of EL/WIL opportunities offered in a particular course or program. The information and website would be housed in the Experience More section of the CEL webpage. Once complete, students will be able to search for EL/WIL content in their course/program selections.


Data Collection

Part 1. Draft introduction email to Departmental Chairs and Faculty-outlining the project

Part 2. Develop a survey-through the TRU Survey Monkey account for Departmental Chairs and Faculty to complete

Part 3. Email survey tool and introduction email to TRU Department Chairs and Faculty

Part 3. Using the list of TRU Departmental Chairs and Faculty-follow up by phone and email to complete the responses to the survey from non-respondents


The student will collect EL/WIL data from TRU courses and programs. This will be completed through emails and follow up phone calls/meetings with TRU faculty and TRU Departmental Chairs. The student will provide faculty a selection of EL/WIL items they offer in their class/program to choose from. (e.g. pratica, coop, simulations, VR learning, apprenticeship, field schools, service learning etc.)

About the company

Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
1000+ employees
Education, Marketing & advertising, Human resources & recruitment

Thompson Rivers University, or TRU, is a comprehensive, learner-centred, environmentally responsible institution that serves its regional, national, and international learners and their communities through high quality and flexible education, training, research and scholarship. Thompson Rivers University, or TRU, is a comprehensive, learner-centred, environmentally responsible institution that serves its regional, national, and international learners and their communities through high quality and flexible education, training, research and scholarship. Riipen is centrally organized through the TRU Career and Experiential Learning Department-faculty questions regarding the Riipen platform can be sent to Larry Iles, Senior Faculty CEL liles@tru.ca