Social Media Suggestions Challenge

Project scope
Communications Media Visual arts Social sciencesSkills
social media social media strategy marketingCreate 2-4 marketing posts for the social media platforms of your choice that you think will best reflect our brand, and that is evergreen.
Go to our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. Get familiar with our social media strategy and our brand. Think of examples of what types of posts YOU would do if you were our social media coordinator. Submit 2-4 example posts on the platform of your choice. Be creative, there are no wrong answers.
Bonus Points for actually posting from your own social media accounts, tagging us, and using the hashtag #TeamiPain.
International Pain Foundation Social Media
Website -
Instagram -
Twitter -
Facebook -
Blog -
Website -
About the company
The International Pain Foundation is your Power of Pain Headquarters. Our mission is to educate and support the chronic pain community around the world. We fulfill our mission by: Promoting public and professional awareness of neuropathy chronic pain conditions, Educating those afflicted with the syndrome, their families, friends and healthcare providers on the disabling pain it causes, Hosting action-oriented public awareness, education, and pain policy improvement through activities and efforts to eliminate the under treatment of chronic pain, and commitment to raising funds for financial, emotional and educational support for chronic pain sufferers who have neuropathy pain conditions. #NERVEmber #HopeisTrue #iPainLiving Magazine