Product specifications document - Learner project ranking

Project scope
Product management Product or service launchSkills
student engagement wireframing product requirements documents user story researchDevelop a product requirements document describing a feature for learners to rank their preferred projects under a single experience.
Our thinking with this feature is that an educator could invite learners to the experience to allow them to review all projects and identify their preferences. The educator could use these preferences to assign learners into teams and assign them to projects based on what projects they are most interested in.
The goal is to provide educators with an option to give students more say in project assignment, and to improve student engagement with projects and ultimately their outcomes, as they'll be completing projects they have more interest in.
A product requirements document covering:
- Research into the issue, including internal stakeholder feedback, and analysis into similar tools used in other products.
- Any assumptions being made that would affect the scope if not true.
- Intended outcomes, and the metrics that will be used to track that outcome.
- Requirements documented as user stories, with specification on the requirements and implementation of each.
- No designs are expected, but wireframes can be included.
We can provide a detailed briefing on internal stakeholder feedback on the need for this feature, both in writing and with interviews as needed with product and customer success teams.
We can provide a sandbox environment for the team to understand the current experience.
We prefer not to provide direct access to customers at this time, but can incorporate questions the team has into our own interviews with customers if needed.
The team will have direct access to our Director of Product, Senior PM and Associate PM for timely responses to questions and regular meetings.
About the company
Riipen’s project-based learning platform leverages thousands of business and nonprofit partnerships to help higher education easily implement and scale projects that enhance learner employability.