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Research Strategic Partnerships for Emergency Services Pre-Planning
Our company, SimsUshare, develops a hybrid app/web platform that training officers in municipal and industrial organizations use to create simulations of potential incidents, in order to train personnel to respond based on best practice and their Operating Procedures or guidelines. We recently identified a new market opportunity -- using our simulation software as part of incident pre-planning. Organizations, particularly with industrial and municipal hazard mitigation responsibilities, are often mandated to create pre-plans that will assist in potential responses to incidents. We have a few customers who have started to use our training software to produce pre-plans as well, integrating our web-based simulations into web-based pre-planning software. We have initiated conversations about integration with one major pre-planning software vendor, but we would like to use this project to assess the landscape of other vendors with similar capabilities. We could very easily see our software become the 'go to' technology for helping organizations create visual walkthroughs for their pre-plans, and, by extension, using the software for incident training.

Business Intelligence Tools for Analyzing Trial License Conversions
Positions available: up to 2 We make a SaaS product for Fire & Emergency Service simulation-based training. We provide evaluation (trial) licenses to potential customers who seek to evaluate our system for purchase. We collect various types of information from the potential customer, such as direct questions, email tracking, and data analytics related to their use of the product during the evaluation. We want to semi-automated tools and processes based on data analysis to help us understand what predicts likelihood of product acquisition, and what we can do to maximize the chance these potential customers will buy. We want to increase our Data Quality. Our Data is currently stored in 4 places and we would like to develop a process to integrate the information sets into a cohesive picture of the trial license requestor, which will likely include surveying prior trial license requestors. Once the Data Quality is enhanced we would like to begin Analyzing the Data with the end goal of increasing our understanding of what leads our customers to a buy-or-not-buy decision. The result is expected to develop best practice for this situation, such as examining and recommending the type of information (for example, more demographics) we should be collecting from trial license requestors.