Brent McKnight
Associate Professor

Nicholas Kellett
Founder & CEO, Deploy Solutions
December 8, 2019
Experience feedback
The DeGroote students researched and recommended features and content for a Climate Change Impact Planning software product prototype.
They provided clear and logical insight about modern user trends (especially for the younger demographic) that substantially altered our initial design direction.
Based on early discoveries by them, we altered the project focus to include a study on gamification and mobile app approaches to improve user experience. We believe that their insight and creativity, backed up by solid research and communication, will substantially clarified and improve our prototype's UX.
The students demonstrated enthusiasm, research skills, creativity and insight throughout the project, and that quality was evident when they presented their final report. They were always pleasant, professional, keen to understand our project goals and objectives, and willing to go the extra mile to help achieve them.
Overall the team's result was of real value, and will be put to use as we continue to design our prototype. I highly recommend their work.

Sustainability Management Consultancy
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University

Recommend features and content for a Climate Change Impact Planning software product
Deploy Solutions

Randy Kay
March 16, 2019
Experience feedback
Working with this group was a delight from beginning to end. They delivered practical, useful and well thought-out results. The process showed that they listened and heard the input from us, and adapted their project to suit the needs of our non-profit. The professor and the students showed an authentic desire to help, and I was very impressed with the final product. I've been able to incorporate their deliverables into our work process to elevate our ability to serve our student base.

Sustainability Management Consultancy
DeGroote School of Business - McMaster University
Aligning working groups to create Impact at McMaster
Ontario Public Interest Research Group (OPIRG) McMaster